ODOR-GC - Detection of ODORgenic compounds and olfactory nuisances through a portable and compact Gas Chromatograph is a PR-FESR 2021-2027 project coordinated by PROAMBIENTE and implemented with the support of European funds from the Emilia-Romagna Region.


The project aims to develop an innovative instrumental infrastructure and modeling for the rapid and integrated monitoring of olfactory nuisances generated by various types of sources (landfills, industrial plants, biodigesters, wastewater treatment plants, etc.). The need for monitoring of odor emissions is becoming increasingly important, especially following the issuance of Legislative Decree no. 183 of 2017. In recent years, the proliferation of facilities capable of releasing odorous emissions in urbanized areas has led to the multiplication of nuisance emissions, generating growing concern about 'olfactory pollution' characterized often by unpredictability and discontinuity over time.



The heart of the project is ODOR-GC, a miniaturized instrument for gas chromatographic analysis, designed to be used in the field and presented in two versions: in a cabinet for fixed installations and inside a portable briefcase. This will allow effectively addressing the different application scenarios characterized by the need to carry out occasional monitoring of transient phenomena or continuous monitoring at known sources of olfactory nuisances. The ODOR-GC instrument will be accompanied by a meteorological modeling system that will predict the diffusion and trajectories of odors, presenting them to stakeholders within a dashboard with a geolocated and intuitive graphical interface.



ODOR-GC project aims to respond to this pressing demand for protection, demonstrating the effectiveness of the gas chromatographic instrument. The complete system will be validated in the laboratory and during 6 field measurement campaigns at project partner companies, through comparison with reference analytical (GC-MS) and sensory (dynamic olfactometry) techniques. By doing so, the instrument developed based on the "compact-GC" platform (developed at the Bologna section of IMM - Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems of CNR and patented) can move from the current TRL 4 (Technology validated in the laboratory, as shown in some scientific publications) to a TRL of 7 (Demonstration of a prototype system in an operational environment).

Regarding the technical-scientific aspect, PROAMBIENTE will:
elemento chiaro 1 Support Terra&AcquaTech partner in a preliminary study to define the set of gaseous compounds, indicators of olfactory nuisances, to be searched for during monitoring activities, with consequent choice of the appropriate chemical phases to be implemented in the "ODOR-GC" instrument;
elemento chiaro 1 Utilize its expertise in system integration and experimental characterization to test the performance of the assembled instrument in the laboratory;
elemento chiaro 1 Implement a modeling chain to determine the path taken by odoriferous air masses;
elemento chiaro 1 Organize measurement campaigns in operational environments, where the instrument will be tested with continuous measurements.

PROAMBIENTE will also be responsible for Project Management activities, as well as for drafting and implementing the dissemination activities plan.


Coordinator: PROAMBIENTE

Partners: Terra&Acqua Tech, CRPA LAB

Involved CompaniesPollution Srl, Lab Service Analytica, Benvic Srl, Avicola Artigiana Srl

Duration: February 2024 - August 2026 (26 months)

Financing: total cost of €696,954.28 and financing of €499,868.00

Project website: www.odorg.it