PROAMBIENTE is an Industrial Research Laboratory of the Bologna CNR Technopole, accredited to the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network and associated with 5 Clust-ERs (Greentech, Agrifood, Build, Tourism, Urban). As accredited laboratories within the High Technology Network, we have developed a close relationship with ART-ER over the years.
The regional innovation policy supports R&I activities carried out by companies, promotes the development of Industrial Research Laboratories and Innovation Centers primarily located in Technopoles and organized within the High Technology Network. It also promotes regional Clust-ERs along with innovative entrepreneurial ideas and initiatives.
What is an Industrial Research Laboratory?
Industrial Research Laboratories are organizations capable of leveraging research results for economic and social purposes. They provide innovations specifically tailored to the needs of businesses. They operate research programs in collaboration with third parties to identify product lines or processes based on the cutting edge of scientific and technological research. The working methods of these laboratories are guaranteed by an institutional accreditation process by the region, which can be accessed periodically through calls for proposals.
PROAMBIENTE, as an Industrial Research Laboratory, participates in various regional, national, and European projects. The laboratory has implemented projects funded by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Development and Cohesion Fund.
What is the High Technology Network?
The High Technology Network of Emilia-Romagna brings together Industrial Research Laboratories and Innovation Centers located in the Technoparks across the region, associated with Clust-ERs (Regional Technology Clusters), and aggregates accredited public and private organizations, universities, and research centers. It provides expertise, equipment, and resources for the development of businesses and industrializes research results. It also serves as an incubator for new ideas and solutions to innovate products and processes. The coordination of the network is entrusted to ART-ER.
What are Clust-ERs?
Clust-ERs are meeting and discussion places where research centers, businesses, and educational institutions (including the Industrial Research Laboratories of the High Technology Network) work together as a team, following the Open Innovation model, sharing ideas, expertise, and results, and multiplying their growth opportunities. The network of Clust-ERs in the Emilia-Romagna region, coordinated by ART-ER, consists of 11 associations established to promote macro-themes at regional, national, and international levels.
What is ART-ER?
ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory is the Consortium Company of Emilia-Romagna established to promote the sustainable growth of the region through innovation and knowledge development, territorial attractiveness, and internationalization. It operates by participating in European and international networks and developing collaborative projects to facilitate knowledge exchange and enhance regional competencies and experiences. ART-ER serves as the regional reference point for the Innovation Ecosystem and coordinates the main networks, including the High Technology Network and Clust-ERs.