INFORMARE Project Presentation

2017, July 13

The INFORMARE project will be presented in the Council Hall of the Municipality in Cervia, at 10 am. The project is funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region in the framework of the POR-FESR 2014-2020. INFORMare has the objective of creating an informative tool able to provide an overview, in real time, of the weather-marine and environmental conditions at the seaside resorts of the Emilia-Romagna coast.

It aims to provide the coastal regional tourism sector, and in particular the seaside tourism sector, a multiplatform information tool with high quality standards, designed for an extended audience of stakeholders, tourists and professionals. In the panorama of the Romagna beaches the Cervia beach is one that has an advanced technological vocation, and that has installed the fiber optic already for several years.

The coast of Cervia was chosen together with that of Rimini as a “pilot beach” for the INFORMARE project developed by Proambiente S.c.r.l., Gruppo C.S.A. S.p.a., CERR Sc.r.l.-Confindustria Emilia-Romagna Research, together with Communication Technology S.r.l and the Cooperative Bagnini of Cervia Coop.p.a. The purpose of the INFORMARE Project, to which the Municipality of Cervia and Rimini participate as stakeholders, is to arrive at a reference weather information along the coastline through the setting up of a network of meteorological stations in the Riviera of Emilia- Romagna and a special weather-marine forecasting system in real time. The achievement of this result will be achieved by organizing the multiplicity of weather-climate, terrestrial and marine data, available in the Emilia Romagna region, coming from different sources: Ministry of the Environment, national research bodies (CNR), regional monitoring and prevention agencies environmental (ARPA), amateur and private networks.

Monitoraggio Atmosfera, Project Management, dissemination