The dissemination of the Informare project's questionnaires is started
August 2017
INFORMARE POR-FESR 2014-2020 project ( is a regional project funded by Emilia-Romagna region and Europe. Its main goal is to provide the tourist industry a new high quality informatics multi-platform tool.
This tool is thought both for tourists and local stakeholders and will allow weather/marine forecasting info and a real time overview of Emilia-Romagna sea-side weather, marine and environmental conditions. The goal will be reached organizing the huge amount of land and marine climate/weather datasets available in the Emilia-Romagna region and belonging to various sources like Environment Ministry, National Research Institutions (such as CNR), Regional Institution of Environmental Monitoring (i.e. ARPA), private and home-brew forecasting networks.
Project tools design (web portal, digital panels and apps) will be performed only after the data collecting and harmonization phases that will be required to allow optimization and synergy of the info.INFORMARE project has as preliminary action, the collection information from users, in order to better define:
– classes of tourists (target) who visit the E-R coast
– tourists habits – parameters to display
– tourists/stakeholders needs
This action will allow useful info to fine tune the ICT APP design that will be developed inside the INFORMARE project. During 2018 bathing season the multi-platform infrastructure will be available to beta-users hanging out some Cervia and Rimini beach resorts. The involved users will be required, through interviews and questionnaires, to give feed-back on the use of systems. The positivity and criticality will allow the successful implementation of the apps.
According to art. 9 of Legislative Decree no. 322/89 and subsequent amendments and additions, the data provided in this questionnaire can not be disseminated unless aggregated, so that no reference can be made to identifiable individuals and can only be used for statistical purposes for the purposes of Project itself.