Digital CorNeR (5G Project - MIMIT)


The Digital CorNeR project aims to create immersive contents which, by exploiting the high performance of 5G networks in terms of bandwidth and latency, will be tested through use cases during musical, educational, tourist-recreational events. To achieve the objective, the Congress Center of the CNR Territorial Research Area of ​​Bologna will be strengthened, with the creation of a control room that will allow the production of usable contents with the emerging human-machine interfaces (augmented, virtual, immersive and interactive reality voice recognition, etc.).

PROAMBIENTE is among the partners who presented Digital CorNeR, winning the co-financing of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy (5G audiovisual project). We want to produce immersive digital contents related to naturalistic contexts in the Ravenna area, that will be disseminated with 5G technologies on the occasion of an event on the Emilia Romagna coast, to promote the coastal area and environmental tourism. We will exploit the potential of OpenSWAP, a small self-driving electric catamaran to get shots in naturalistic contexts having the shooting point from the water surface.

This project is part of the broader objective of creating a one-of-a-kind infrastructure in Emilia-Romagna, open to the territory and the community, useful for comparing and sharing ideas, technologies and opportunities.


Coordinator: MISTER Smart innovation

Partners: PROAMBIENTE, CNR, Music Academy e Fondazione Luciano Pavarotti

Duration: July 2022 - June 2023 (12 months)

Financing: total cost of 300.000€ and financing of 200.000€

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