BiophotOmics (POR-FESR 2014-2020)
The BiophotOmics project (Development and validation of a portable medical device based on bio-photonic imaging integrated with testing methodology LIPID-OMICA) aims at developing an innovative medical device based on two concepts:
a) photonic technology – fabricating a portable bio-photonic device equipped with a dedicated software for dark-field hyper-spectral microscopy analysis of specific samples (blood drops) and
b) innovative testing based on bio-photonic technology for integrated hyper-spectral analysis of fatty acids of cellular membranes as innovative global health marker.
The testing methodology on cellular membrane will be performed on red blood cells e lymphocytes taken from animal and human (ex vivo) cellular models of dysmetabolic, hematologic and neurologic (sclerosis, Alzheimer) diseases. The proposed innovation tackles the needs of non-invasive, low-cost and user-friendly analysis in red-biotech industry, even for fragile and disabled people (Homecare). Combining photonics and biotechnology will permit to obtain innovation in products and services for an “ad hoc” healthcare, also linked with lifestyle and food regime.
Due to the project partners’ skills in photonics, engineering, microscopy, analytical bio-chemistry and biology, the project will reach a TRL = 7 (starting from TRL = 4) for the medical device and integrated analytical service.
Coordinator: LTTA Laboratory
Partners: PROAMBIENTE Scrl, CIRI SDV- Università di Bologna Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Industriale Science della Vita e Tecnologie per la Salute -, Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca
Private Companies: Silfradent srl, Hyperspectral Imaging, Lipinutragen srl
Duration: June 2019 - May 2021 (24 months)
Funding: Overall budget = 1.009.547,50 €. Regional contribution = 718.683,25 €.